
by NewDoor Apps Int.



Are you looking for answers to the questions that plague you every day?You dont know how to control...

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Are you looking for answers to the questions that plague you every day?You dont know how to control your own emotions and negative thoughts?Would you like to contact a personal assistant for certain questions, but is there an obstacle?Are you struggling with a lack of time or opportunities, which makes it difficult to visit a coach, support specialist, or therapist?Perhaps you feel that it is difficult for you to open up to strangers, so you would rather vote your trust in a supporting application?If any of the above applies to you, then you can be sure that this application that develops self-knowledge and supports emotional and thought regulation is for you.We know exactly what its like to struggle with any of the above. For years, we too have been looking for a solution that would help us solve the problem without spending a lot of time or money, or at least resolve the negative feelings and blockages that are tense in us.We do not think that the application replaces expert help, just as it does not replace a single coaching session or therapy meeting, but it can provide you with effective support in uncovering and honestly mapping answers related to yourself and your everyday problems.You can find several similar applications on the Internet, but most of them are in English. The NewDoor App is the first self-knowledge application in Hungarian, so it is ready to provide support to those who do not speak foreign languages ​​or whose language skills are not professional.With the 6 modules of the NewDoor App, you can open the door to change through various processes and exercises. Each one has a different set of tools, but basically guides you in the same direction. Towards a state of balance where you are well, where you are your true self, where you function the way you want to.The Mood Meter module examines your current emotional state, and whenever and however many times a day you look at it, you can track how your day went, what emotional and spiritual processes you went through during the day, and what emotional swings accompanied your functioning by looking back at the logged results.In the Answer Path and Mirror-Mirror modules, you can take a closer look at the topics of your spiritual, business or personal life. Behind the doors of your choice, you can deal with your workplace, relationship and emotional processes, as well as specific questions and concerns in both modules. The application records your answers in your own diary, so you can review them at any time by date and time. While the Answer Path, the process of the Mirror-mirror takes you to your answer through the connection of images and concepts.In the 7 Step module, you log your own answers, which allows you to write down for yourself - even in a personal note - how you feel and think about your relationship, what is bothering you, what you are looking for a solution to. Here, by answering coaching questions, you will get to the Exit.The Wheel of Life module helps you scale the current situation and where you want to go, what would be ideal for you in the 3-6 life areas of your choice.And the Question module, as the digital little brother of the Question Self-Knowledge card package, supports you to see a specific situation, the past-present-future axis of a topic through questions, but you can also start your day with it.If the application becomes part of your everyday lifebecause you start the morning or end the day with it,because every day you record your current emotional state or write down your thoughts,because you look at the answer to a topic through question cards,because you see your own emotional reflection in photos,because if you have come to a crossroads, you can boldly choose from the options lined up, orbecause facing your emotional fluctuations you start the process of change and self-knowledge, i.eyou take out your morning coffee, sipping it,by bus, train, car,during work breaks,on the terrace orwith a glass of fine wine,even aloneeven in confidential company,We know youre making the right decision!We and the NewDoor App will accompany you!Together we open the door to change!